Monday, June 2, 2008
The video games
From my own experience,i do not suggest anyone to play internet games,expecially young people. Because internet game needs a lot of time to play and it is very easy to be addciated. Once you stop playing the games you will fell empty. It's really a bad felling.
Personily, i believe some games are very good, cause you can learn a lot from the games, like creative thinking. But most improtant reason to play games is just for fun, but the problem is how much time u spend, i 'd say don't spend too much time for these games, cause there are just games. Always remember you are the one play the game,don't let the game play you.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The population problems in China
Population was really a very big, big, big problem in
With almost 1.3 billion populations, for sure,
Because of the huge population, it was impossible for the government to support everyone to go to school, so there were still many Chinese grown up without basic education which made them very difficult to survive in the society.
I hope the situation will get better in the future; otherwise it will be a disaster.
The research paper
I didn’t do very well for the whole research thing, first of all I chosen a wrong topic in the beginning so i changed the topic 2 weeks ago. Since I have to finish the whole thing in 3 days I did everything in a hurry. If I have enough time I will do much better.
Well, I still learned a lot during the progress of the research paper, first of all I learned a lot about my topic, the Apple Inc. The history, the products and culture. Now I consider myself as an Apple products expert.
Secondly, I received a lot of benefits from other people’s research papers, not only the insteresting information from their research papers that I didn’t know in the past also the correct way to make a presentation.
I have to say that everybody did a great job, not matter the research paper itself was good or not, at least everybody tried their best and some of them were really good, like Ivy’s presentation, she really did a good job. I was shocked by her power point work, it was fantastic. She really got a lot of interesting pictures and helped me know better about Yoga. Compare with her I thought mine was a mass, because my computer was dead during my presentation and I had to do the presentation without the power point which really made me crazy lately.
I thought I learned a lesson this time and for sure I will do much better next time!
The Publice leacture
The whole public lecture was a great idea; first, I have spend a great time with my friends who attend the same lecture with me, second,I have learned a very available lesson about the borderline personality disorder.
I still can remember that we used a lot of time to find where the lecture was hold and spend a great time on the way to there, because we arrived there very early so we had a plenty of time to chat,and we told a lot of jokes and sorties to each other. It was really a good opportunity to communicate with each others and improve our friendships.
Secondly, during the whole progress of the public lecture, I learned a lot, not only I experienced the academic English lecture also I learned an available lesson about the borderline personality disorder. However, I may have the borderline personality disorder too, because sometimes I was very easy to get angry and I did a lot of crazy things in the past. I think it’s the time for me to pay attention to this issue; otherwise I may get the BPD in the future without conscious.
Well, since this course is almost finish and I will be able to go to the university soon, I think I will have a lot of opportunities to attend the other public lectures, and i can't wait anymore!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Animal testing
Many people think that animal testing is not reliable and we should use other alternatives instead of animals. The main reason people come with this idea is because they thought human body was very different from animal’s body. However, according to scientific research animals and humans have many similar organ systems. Not to mention the shape of the pig’s heart is almost the same as human’s; apes and monkey belong to same group as human. That’s why animals are often used for drug test. By using this scientists will be able to know whether the drug is too weak, too strong or too dangerous. Many people also complain that we can use another alternatives instead of animal, while fist of all I think those people should understand the testing progress of a new drug is first tested on animals to make sure it’s safe and effective and the tested on human volunteers. It’s not a perfect process but compare with other alternative options this is the best way to protect people. On the other hand, computer models cost a lot of money and work to just set up and in most cases computer model is not that nicety as people thought. For example, with present day technology it’s impossible to even imagine the events that occur during the process of giving a birth to a new baby. Furthermore, the living body is not just a collection of single parts, scientists claim that testing drug on an isolated organs or computer model won’t show the drug effects the whole body. Obviously, animal testing works much more effective and nicety than any other alternatives we have now. Scientists also argue that without the help from the animal testing the medicine research may stop developing and it will be very difficult to make any significant improvement.
Another thing I can’t agree is that some people think we shouldn’t use animal for our own benefits. Well, I think the first ting these people should understand is that we live in a real world not a feral one. People have been feeding and selling animal for benefits for thousands of years, we are all a part of the natural food chain. According to research 800 million animals have been killed last year and only 2.6 million of them are killed for medical use which means only 0.003% all the animals are killed in the lab. If the people so mean to this 0.003% animals in the lab why they just stop eating another 99.997% animals from the market. More ever, I think there is a difference between the testing animals and other animals, most of the testing animals were feed and grown in the lad and scientists killed them on purpose, it’s to save people not just for fun. And scientists already try to minimize the suffering which animals have taken. So I don’t think is a shame for us to receive benefits from the animals.
The last but not the least, human and animal can both receive benefits for the animal testing. Animal experimentation is a main part of the medical advances. By injecting the virus to animals, scientists can find a cure vaccine, and study the original cause and possible effects of the human viral diseases, such as AIDS, smallpox and polio. For example, there were about 20.000 HIV positive people in Britain. Scientists injected the similar immune-efficiency viruses to the animals and already made 15 anti HIV drugs and one vaccine. So thousands of lives have been saved .Another good example is the success of fighting the smallpox in human history. Smallpox has already disappeared in 1978, because now everyone was vaccinated against smallpox, so the children don’t need to be vaccinated in now days. But don’t forget the vaccine was tested on animals to see if it was safety at the first time. Furthermore, if it not because of the vaccine of polio was tested on monkeys in 1950s, millions of children would lose their lives. Just before the polio vaccine came out, each year 30,000 children caught polio in Europe and North America. From the worldwide the vaccines from the animals testing are saving over 3 million children’s life every year; and a research form the UNICEF showed that more than 100 million one years old children immunized to the most common childhood diseases in 1990.While we received the benefits from the testing animals so did the animals. By test animals in the lab we learned a lot about animals, their living environment, habitats, and disease. Scientists already found a cure for the deadly virus of rabies. Meanwhile, with the help of the knowledge scientists collected from animal testing, we may be able to find a better way to protect and reproduce some endanger species .
Thus animal testing is the most reliable method we have so far; it’s not a shame that we use animal on purpose and receive benefits from them; animal testing really works and both humans and animals can receive benefits from it. Animal testing is still necessary in the world today. Experiment on animals helped us know better of ourselves and animals, I strongly believe that it was and will still be major part of medical advances.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Where is happiness
The one the only one
Find him/she u will find ur happiness.
Another thing is i thought happiness only exist when share to friends, that's why i am always enjoy telling my experience to my friends which made them call me The Speaker.
Whatever, different people have different ideas , u guys don't have to believe mine, may be u can find happiness in some whereelse.But on the way u look for ur happiness don't forget to check ur back maybe u already got it that u just havn't notice it yet .
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The second language learning
English, I don't know where to start , cause English means a lot to me.In my country, English is a major in the university (not English literature but just English speaking ), and it is also one of the most three important courses in high school which includes Chinese, math and English. Since my high school is very famous for its English program, many of my friends are studying English as a major in
During my experience of learning English, I found that movies and TV really help for improving listening and speaking, I watch the news very often on TV, and I also watch situation comedy on computer, my favorite ones are Prison Break, Friends,
After I achieve my goal of prefect English I am also planning to learn all the Asian languages like Japanese, Korean and vitamins. If anyone of you wants to learn Chinese in the future Peng will be your free teacherJ and may be we can teach each others too.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Question 3
Women are better listeners than are man for two important reasons. First, According to research woman’s brain works more effective than men’s when they are listening. Scientists used the X-ray to test both man and woman’s brain’s activity part when they are listening and found that for women both of their left and right part of the brain are working when they are listening but for man only the left part of the brain is working when they are listening .It makes the woman are able to pay much more attention than the men when they listen.
Second reason is because of the different of physical response from the women and man when they are listening. There are three reaches can prove women are better listener than men. First, scientists separated women and men into two groups by sex and leave them in a room to let them talk for twenty minutes and the result showed that women always appears to face each other when they talking and have eye contacts with each other a lot .sometimes they even move their chairs to face each other or have body touch. But men doesn’t seems to do this , man are always looking another side when they are talking and seldom have eye contacts . Secondly, research shows that woman make less interruptions than men when they are listening , according to a scientific research men did 75% of all the interruptions in a common meeting but women only did 25% of them . Last one is a research among the girls and boys in 10Th grade, boys always change the topic and seldom accept other’s problem when they are talking,they only care about themselves in another hand girls prefer to focus on one topic and would like to share their experience with each other .
Peng lei
Friday, April 18, 2008
second one
Khaled Hosseini, the author of the book was born in Afghanistan, in 1965. In 1980 because of the invasion of soviet army Hosseini’s family moved to San Jose, California. And he earned a Medical degree. His first novel The Kite Runner which is base on his own experience .He has never expect the great success of the book, from now on the book has been translated into 36 languages and 600million copies have been sold the world wide . In 2006 Hosseini was named a goodwill envoy to UNHCR the United Nation’s Refugee Agency; furthermore his second novel A Thousand Splendid Suns was punished last year too.
The story started with describing the subtle relationship between two Afghanistan boys, Amir and Hassan. Although the two boys were raised in the same household and sharing the same wet nurse, they grow up in different worlds: Amir is the son of a rich man and Hassan is the son of Amir’s father’s servant, but it didn’t bother them becoming the best friends. Amir and Hassan always fly kite together and Hassan is very good at kite running, that’s the main reason the novel named The Kite Runner. However Hassan believed in Amir for no reason but just the loyalty for friend and because of a promise Hassan made to Amir, He even sacrificed himself to protect Amir’s kite, in another hand Hassan ignored Hassan’s effort and looked him down. Because of Amir’s fathers’ unconsciously comparison between Hassan’s brave and Amir’s week it made Amir felt self-abased. For Amir’s jealous of the love his father gave to Hassan, Amir framed up the innocent Hassan by telling his father that Hassan has stolen his watch and forced him to leave the house. In 1980 because of the invasion of soviet army Amir’s family moved to America and started a new life. Amir thought that he has escaped his past. And yet he couldn’t leave the memory of Hassan behind him. A few years passed, Amir received a call from an acquaintance and was told that Hassan is his half blood brother and died because of guarding the house which Amir’s family left in Afghanistan. To pay back to Hassan, Amir went back to Afghanistan and searched for Hassan’s only child Sohrab left in the world, and took Soharb back to American and flew the kite with Sohrab like what Hassan and he did in the past.
The book itself is full of culture, friendship, betrayal and loyalty. For no doubt this is the best English book I have ever read, it opens a window through the history of Afghanistan and describes the rich culture and beauty of a land in the process of being destroyed. Khaled Hosseini also gives us hope: there is always a way to be good again. But beyond of story I also find that it’s a typical American style heroic novel. In the novel all the bad guys are described like not only the bad guys but the evil, communist and the Taliban are all related to indecency, rape , murder meanwhile the America as described as a heaven a way out. Maybe the reason for the great success in America is because the book satisfied the American value and finally helped American find a good reason to starts the war these days.
Peng Lei
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The review of the Kite Runner
The story started with describe the subtle relationships between two Afghanistan boys, Amir and Hassan, Amir’s mother died because of giving a birth to him and Hassan ,the son of Amir’s family’s servant ,his mother ran away from him when he was first born, the similar of no mothers made these two boys the best friends, best friends? but not always, although Hassan believed in Amir for no reason but just the loyalty for friends, and because of a promise Hassan made to Amir ,He even sacrificed himself to protect Amir’s kite, in another hand Hassan ignored Hassan’s effort and looked him down. For Amir’s jealous of the love his father gives to Hassan, Amir framed up the innocent Hassan and forced him to leave the house . In 1980 because of the invasion of soviet of soviet army Amir’s family moved to America and started a new life. A few years passed, Amir received a call from an acquaintance and be told that Hassan is his half blood brother and died because of guarding the house which Amir’s family left in Afghanistan. For the reason to pay back to Hassan, Amir goes back to Afghanistan and search for Hassan’s only child left in the world.
The book itself is full of culture, friendship, betrayal and loyalty. For no doubt this is the best English book I have ever read, but beyond of story I also find that it’s a typical American style heroic novel. In the novel all the bad guys are described like not only the bad guys but the evil, communist and Taliban are all related to indecency , rap , murder and America as described as a heaven a way out. Maybe the reason for the great success in America is because the book finally helped American find a good reason to starts the war these days.
Peng Lei
Friday, April 11, 2008
From the article we know that Darwin was a naturalist between 1809-1882 and he started a five years trip to travel around the world when he was 22 years old .During his trip he have collected may flora and fauna and his most famous theory of Evolution was first founded in Galapagos, an archipelago of volcanic islands off the coast of South America. He discovered that a group of bird called finches which lived in different islands in Galapagos, although they are belong to one species each of them have unique feature to suit their different living condition. Furthermore according to the fossil he founded he began to doubt that the year of earth is much longer than what people thought at that time. Is it possible that the new species is created from the ancestor through the progress of a slowly accumulation of adaptations to the environment he asked himslef?
Darwin’s theory include two main ideas, one is that the different between species can be explained by Evolution and another is the adaptive evolution is because of natural selection.
First of all, all life related to previous form. According to Darwin, life form is like the form of a tree, the branching represents the present organisms and the trunk represents the ancestors, all the branching are from the trunk. For example the Asian elephant and African elephant, although they live in different area but obviously they are all from one same ancestor.
Secondly, natural selection may create new species. Evolutionary biologist Ernst Mary thought that Darwin’s Natural Selection is more about struggle for existence. Because of the pressure to survive many organisms will over reproduce and the one who fit the environment best will pass their traits to the next generation so the next generation will have a better chance to survive . Time after time a new species may be created by natural selection. The whole working progress is just like the artificial selection, for example farmer always choose the cow produce most of the milk to get pregnant so the baby will also be to produce as much milk as her mother dose and maybe more. As a result the baby cow will be chose to get pregnant in the future.
For summary the authors mentioned three points that people always confused about them. First, the smallest unit can evolve in natural selection is a population, the individuals don’t evolved .Second, organisms can only pass DNA to next generation but not their knowledge, there is a different between the adaptation organisms acquires during their life time and inherited adaptations which happen in a long period of time .Third, a trait suit in one environment means nothing in another environment cause the environment changes all the time and so does the natural selection.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Fast Economy Growing Rate Is Not Alwasy Good

For my own opinion i think control the price is really a urgent now ,otherwise the life for the people who only have lower salary will be a disaster and if the goverment don't do something like cool down the growing rate ,however , the growing econmoy will do more harm than the econmoy growing rate is not always good.