Monday, June 2, 2008

The video games

I started to play video games since i was ten, and now i have been played it for almost 13 years, during this 13 years i experienced many diffreent kinds of games: Starcraft,Diablo,Command Dos,Warcraft.
From my own experience,i do not suggest anyone to play internet games,expecially young people. Because internet game needs a lot of time to play and it is very easy to be addciated. Once you stop playing the games you will fell empty. It's really a bad felling.
Personily, i believe some games are very good, cause you can learn a lot from the games, like creative thinking. But most improtant reason to play games is just for fun, but the problem is how much time u spend, i 'd say don't spend too much time for these games, cause there are just games. Always remember you are the one play the game,don't let the game play you.